* Get Out of Your Head and Into Your Planner:
Nothing can drive someone crazier than trying to remember countless tasks, all with varying deadlines and degrees of importance. Then there is always that one thing you forgot to do when you were at the (insert the last place you just were) and now you have to go back. First step to accomplish everything you need to is to write it all down, even the low priority stuff like "buy shampoo." Getting all those to-do lists onto paper will alleviate some space in your brain, which will reduce mental clutter and stress.
* Break it Down into Small Steps:
So now you've written "paint mural" and "study chapters 9-25," but don't think that the anxiety will simply melt away from seeing your list in writing rather than in the memory bank. A big project (or even medium task) can still feel daunting, so it helps to break it down into smaller steps. A list of small steps or tasks also helps when you have an energy level of one (or less), but still want to be productive - find the small tasks on the list that will take you 15 minutes or less and just get them done. You’d be surprised how much you can get done and how accomplished you can feel in 15 minutes!
* Make a Plan:
Now you have a to-do list that is a mile long and more stress than before, right? This is when you take back control of your list. Sit with a cup of coffee, a calendar and your list and figure out a plan of action! Take the tasks, put them in the order they need to be and can be done and set up a schedule for yourself. Make sure to spread it out so that you're not scrambling at the last minute. Don’t forget to make sure you have put in time to enjoy the season and/or a well deserved break from the list (see the next tip). The key to this task? Actually following your schedule!

That's right, a break! Even the busiest of students need some down time, especially when you are working on multiple projects at once. Rather than pulling a bunch of all-nighters trying to get everything out of the way, allow yourself enough time to begin your work, and take some time for yourself when you begin to feel frazzled. Want to feel productive on your breaks? Go for a walk in between studying to get in the exercise you couldn’t get in during exam week. Need to lift your mood before moving onto the next book? Try scoping out some holiday lights at Rockefeller Center, or go window shopping at Macy's in Herald Square. NYC in December is like no other place! Don’t miss the chance to enjoy it.
* Still Can't Organize Your Thoughts?
Organize Your Work Space! Your study environment can make or break your productivity level. Trying to calm down and focus on the details of a Biology chapter? That's probably going to be tough if the desk you're sitting at contains old cereal bowls, dirty tissues, and leftover candy wrappers from Halloween. Cleaning out your clutter can help boost your motivation level, and it will feel good to cross something off that aforementioned to-do list!
* You Are Not Alone...In The Dorm!
One of the greatest things about residence life is that there are hundreds of other people going through very similar experiences as you. If you're still feeling desperate and overwhelmed, don't be afraid to talk to a friend, roommate, your RA or classmate. See how they're handling (or not handling) the workload, what they do to study and prepare, and if there are any tasks you could potentially accomplish together. Sometimes just knowing that there are many others out there struggling to push through to the end of the semester makes you feel like less of an academic outsider.
With a goal-setting attitude, determination to complete tasks, and a promise to celebrate your accomplishments, these factors should help you stay afloat and finish the semester successfully, just in time for a little holiday relaxation. Good Luck!