It's no longer a "fad" it's the real deal and The New School is 100% committed to decreasing our environmental footprint. As a member of our community we thought you'd appreciate a little help and more info on steps (they're easy) you can take to help create a more sustainable environment and learn about Greening The New School. Here are a just a few tips that you can use every day. For even more info check out The Little Green Handbook created by Student Housing and Residence Life. Go green my friends!
- Refuse plastic bags when shopping... take along your own reusable bags. They don't have to be fancy, they can be old plastic bags that you use over and over again (enjoy the look the clerks gives you when they say, "are you sure you don't want a bag?")
- Take shorter showers- save water!
- Take the subway or a bus... but steer clear of taxi's
- Only wash clothes when you have a full load and wash everything in cold.... it's better for your clothes and saves energy not having to heat the water!
- Unplug items when not in use (even an item that is turned off will draw electricity when plugged in)
- Shop at Thrift Stores! Check out the Buffalo Exchange in the East Village and Williamsburg and Beacon's Closet also in Williamsburg
- Shut down your computer, turn off TV, Printer etc. when not in use
- Put in work orders for A/C units to be covered to help keep cold air out
- Recycle electronics, cell phones and batteries rather than throwing them out
- Think about composting (see Little Green Handbook for details)
- Donate old clothes, kitchenware and household items rather than throwing them out
- Shop from local markets such as the one in Union Square
- Participate in New School and Community- sponsored Environmental initiatives
- Spend time in parks, buy organic and recycle!