Since the beginning of the year, the 20th Street Hall Council has been eager to promote “green living” in the residence halls. This past semester, they worked together with 4th Floor RA Krissy Koelle, who has been studying sustainability in her thesis class at Parsons, and orchestrated a “Green Theme” month, which happened to coincide perfectly with Earth Month. Although the month is only halfway through, we have been off to a tremendous start!
To begin the program, Hall Council held a water tasting challenge in the lobby of 20th Street to inform students about the benefits of using tap water and to remind them that New York City has some of the best tap water in the world. We offered students two glasses of water, one with tap water and one with bottled water, to see which one they preferred. On a whole, students preferred tap water to bottled water. Hall Council member Ali Schuettinger spoke to other New School organizations and got them to donate canteens so that we could offer free canteens to everyone who participated in the program. We only anticipated having 15-20 students attend so we only planned on getting 16 canteens but at the last minute we got the donation doubled and ended up with 32 canteens and we gave all of them away!!! We followed that up with a small excursion to Chelsea Market with Hall Council President Joel Arken and RA Krissy.
This past week, we not only created a garden, but also held an event on our patio to encourage students to eat healthier and buy locally by offering them fresh, homemade juice. Elena, from ReNew School, brought her juicer and we bought produce and offered residents free juice and a handout about green-living in the residence halls. Elena stressed the importance of shopping from local farmers and we made sure to save the pulp and fruit remnants for next week’s program on composting. We had about 25-30 students come and it a great opportunity to promote healthy living, and it also gave students a great chance to mingle and chat.
That same day, Hall Council member Alec Opperman and a group of residents from 20th Street went to Home Depot to purchase the supplies to start a garden. We purchased several different herbs, including basil, thyme, cilantro and parsley, and a raspberry bush. Already several different students have taken the initiative to help set up the planters and water the plants. Though the garden is starting small, we are hoping to watch it grow exponentially in the coming years!
We have a great deal to look forward to this month – next week Ali and Joel are leading a program about the importance of composting and then Ali is leading an excursion to the ever-popular Union Square Farmers Market. We are going to conclude the Green Month by starting a push for our clothing and food donation. We have already been amazed by the excellent turn out, especially from a smaller residence hall, and we look forward to the rest of our activities.
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