Soon after the January new student check-in, the
William Street RAs put together a program designed to help the 60+ new
students start off on the right foot academically, and also to adapt to
some of the special challenges that living at William Street presents
for new students.
The program, "Begin.Eat.Balance", consisted two
distinct parts. The first phase featured several different "stations"
around the student lounge, each offering different information and
one-on-one counseling to help new residents begin the semester properly.
Some of these stations included a table with information on where to
purchase cheap art supplies, a table with information and counseling on
time management and organization, a table with subway information and
maps, and a table with information and assistance just for the new Pace
University students living amongst our New School students.
The second
phase consisted of a fun "cooking show", where three RAs provided
recipes and showed new residents how to use the convections ovens
located in each apartment. A convection oven was brought down to the
lounge, printed copies of recipes including gnocchi, cornbread, and
chili were provided, and residents got to actually sample the tasty
delight of each of these.
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